Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Shrimp Miso Soup

Ingredients suggested by Chizuru Inouye

l package dried shiro miso
1 1/2 c water
6 cooked shrimp
1/2 c cubed tofu
1/2 c cabbage
1/2 c napa cabbage
1/4 c sliced daikon
l egg, stirred
5 pieces kombu

Soak kombu in hot water. Dry and slice into very thin strips. Tie strips. Place kombu in miso/water mixture which is heating, with daikon for about 3 minutes. Add the egg in about 6 drops. As egg congeals, push each drop together. When egg is done, add the remaining ingredients until soft and heated. Put soup mixture in center of bowl, making a center mound and placing the tied kombu on top. Arrange shrimp at side.

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